Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Get Organized...Starting in the Kitchen!

Come January 1st - it seems as though everywhere I look I see articles, and information on organization. Let's face it, come the beginning of the year it seems everyone has a fresh start, what better way to start out the New Year then by getting yourself and your family organized.

I have to admit I too have a goal of organizing my home and office, with the hopes of creating more time in my schedule so I can do the things I truly enjoy. But this year, my true motivation for becoming organized, and keeping my home in order is that my husband made an agreement with me that if I can keep my clutter and piles (I am a born pile maker) under control he will quit smoking!

So, in addition to my other goals for 2012 - one of my first priorities is to get our home completely organized. I started in my favorite room, which also happens to be the central point of our home...The Kitchen!

Of course January is also Kitchen Organization month for Tupperware. (What great timing for me right)?! Tupperware has put our very popular Modular Mates on sale! So I stocked up and re-organized my kitchen cabinets.

Here are some before and afters of my work so far!

Everything from my cooking cabinet!

BEFORE: Yes - Even a Tupperware Lady's Cabinets can get out of control!

BEFORE: I cringe at the site of the open box of pancake mix! Many people do not know that you can bring home small insects (weevils) home in your flour based products (flour, cereal, pancake mix, etc.).  Having an open box/bag like I have here can actually allow these tiny insects to infest the rest of your food. Modular Mates are virtually air tight, which means if you do bring home these food invaders they will remain INSIDE the container you place them in, keeping your other food safe from infestation! 
In order to organize all of my food, I took EVERYTHING out of my two main food cabinets. And then used Tupperware Modular Mates to organize and containerize everything.

Modular Mates are virtually air tight containers that keep food fresher longer, and can save you up to 40% more space in your cabinets! I have always kept my flours and sugars in Modular Mates, but this year I "modular-ized" my entire cabinet! I also used Tupperware Labels so we NEVER have to wonder what is in each container. I put all my loose spices into an open MM Rectangular 1 so all we have to do is take out the whole container to get to the spice we need.

                                                            Here are the After Photos!
AFTER: Spices in two open Rectangular 1. All of my tea is in a Super Oval 2. Coffee and filters are now in Tupperware Coffee Containers. Raisins are in a oval 2, which allows me to store peanut butter behind it.

AFTER: This is my favorite! I broke my food into three sections.
1. The bottom shelf is my Baking Center. I have all my flour, sugars, chocolate and common baking add-ins all on one easy to access shelf. Now I NEVER have to search for that one missing ingredient. And, with the clear Modular Mates I know exactly how much of an ingredient I have left (looks like I need to make a sugar run soon)!
2. The Middle Shelf is my Snack Center. Chips, cookies, crackers, popcorn and space for one more Rectangular 1.
3. The Top Shelf is my Pasta and Cooking Center. I have every pasta I could need for cooking. I am using a Rectangular 3 to store all the odds and ends pastas I have left over. I broke these 1-2 cup leftovers into sandwich bags and have them all in one container. This is a great go to when I am cooking a quick meal for one.
Modular Mates are an excellent way to get your kitchen organized and to help you easily make shopping lists as you can see exactly what ingredients you have or don't have. You never have to pour half a serving of cereal in your breakfast bowl because you didn't realize you were almost out. You will always know how much you have left! 

I am happy to help with a Free Kitchen Consultation (with purchase of our modular mate system). January is a great time to purchase these great products as they are on SALE right now! Contact me with questions!
763-442-3693 or
Order directly online at:

1 comment:

  1. Allie that's really impressive! I didn't think your before photos were that bad, but the afters are amazing!
